Limitation to Invitation to Abundance - February 9, 2025
You can hear a sense of frustration in today’s gospel with Peter. Peter has been working hard all night with his friends, he says they were up all night and caught absolutely nothing. Then here comes Jesus. Remember, Jesus is a carpenter and he is telling the fishermen what to do. You can see how outrageous this sounds. So you can imagine what Peter is feeling, “Like really ? Put out again? Really! I have been working hard and I know my job. I know this Sea of Galilee pretty well and I have been doing this fishing thing a while.” (Read more…)
Here is my homily for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time. This weekend we launche the Annual diocesan Appeal as well a Baptism. Please feel free to share with others.
The Marian and Christian Way - February 2, 2025
Mary watched her son suffer greatly. This prediction by the prophet Simeon is very real. The climax of that suffering for her was at the foot of the cross. We have to examine this because it is very important how Mary suffered. It was not just that she suffered but how she suffered and gave witness to us. (Read more…)
Here is my homily for the Presentation of the Lord. I am sorry this is later than usual as I was away giving a retreat at Sts. Peter and Paul in Rocklin, CA on From Here to Eternity: How to Live and Die Well. Please feel free to share with others.
Dialogue With Scripture - January 26, 2025
Jesus is the fulfillment of the scripture. Jesus is the bright light that leads us to see all other lights. He is the one who enables us to see what God is fulfilling in our lives. So Jesus, in a sense, God becomes our north star, if you would, that we look to seek in this sky of lights. (Read more…)
Here is my homily for the Third Sunday of Ordinary time. Please feel free to share with others.
Abundant Joy In Life - January 19, 2020
In today's Gospel, Jesus turns everything around. He takes six stone jars fills them with water and turns that water into wine. These jars would have held 20 to 30 gallons each. Just to give you an understanding of how much wine we are talking about. He produced 600 to 800 bottles of wine! That is a lot of joy! (Read more…)
Here is my homily for the Second Sunday of Ordinary time. Please feel free to share with others.
In You I Take Delight - January 12, 2025
We need to hear this message of delight because we hear all the other messages, all the other negative messages, the competitive ones on online, how good everyone else is and not how good we are. Let’s combat it with a message of love. Let’s say to one another “You are my beloved one, with whom I am well pleased, with whom I am delighted.” (Read more…)
Here is my homily for the Baptism of the Lord. Please feel free to share with others. Happy 2025 to all of you!
Change Your Perspective - January 5, 2025
There are layers of irony here that Matthew is trying to communicate to his Jewish audience, kind of waking them up. “Hey, hello. It is the Messiah. The Messiah was born. You need to go to Jerusalem. You need to leave Jerusalem and go to Bethlehem.” But they missed the point. Why did they miss the point? It is because they are so rooted in their own belief, their own perspective. (Read more…)
Here is my homily for the Epiphany of the Lord. Please feel free to share with others.
Happy 2025 to all of you!
Wisdom and Joy: Hold Onto Love - December 29, 2024
With the passing of time we certainly grow in age, but we do not always necessarily grow in wisdom. There are no guarantees that wisdom comes with age! It is one of those things that is an opportunity for us, but we have to apply the lessons that happen in our life in order for us to gain the wisdom from those moments. (Read more…)
Here is my homily for the Feast of the Holy Family. Please feel free to share with others.
I hope you are enjoying this time with family and friends!
Make Room In Your Heart for the Story of Jesus - December 25, 2024
Today , we stop and we share what we believe is the greatest story ever told. The story of Jesus Christ being born among us. And right from the very beginning, there is a twist. And the twist is that God, the Author of life, the author of the Book of Life, enters into the story himself. He becomes one of the twists. (Read More)
Here is my homily for the Nativity of The Lord. Please feel free to share with others. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Hear the Voice of the Father and Believe What we Hear - December 22, 2024
Mary believed! She just did not just hear, she heard and believed. And so we too must be willing to hear and then to believe what we hear. We will need to hear and believe that we are a beloved child of God. And we are called to go share that love with others today. Not in some future year, not in some future time, but today. (Read more…)
Here is my homily for the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Please feel free to share with others.
What is Stealing Your Joy - December 15, 2024
Stuff comes in life and stuff happens! It is hard to, in a sense, frolic and enjoy life. Joy is not about circumstances. Joy is not about what happens to us. Joy is about what we choose when stuff is happening to us. Joy is a response that we have regardless of what is happening to us. (Read more…)
Here is my homily from the Third Sunday of Advent. Please feel free to pass it on.
God bless,
Fr. Brendan
Health of the Spiritual Heart - December 8, 2024
Our parish theme for the whole year is “Be still and know that I am God.” But during the advent period it is to be still and be joyful with the Lord. In the current secular climate today, we have the craziness and the busyness of Christmas. We cannot stop all the shops doing what they need to do and to try to get us ramped up and amped up on all the purchasing. But we can take a rest from it and to be still with the Lord. (Read more…)
Here is my homily from the Second Sunday of Advent. Please feel free to pass it on.
God Waits For Us - December 1, 2024
We are called in a more profound way to not try to change all the circumstances outside. We are not going to change the secular world, we are not going to change the stores. If they have goods to sell and they are going to start selling it. But we can change our attitude. See the difference between heaven and earth is not about altitude. It is about attitude. (Read more…)
Here is my homily from the First Sunday of Advent. Please feel free to pass it on.