Forgiveness: A Journey from Hurt to Freedom

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. That old adage is true about every aspect of our lives but even more so when it comes to forgiveness. The end of the journey is not the beginning. We must take the first step of desiring to forgive before we can take that last step of forgiveness. Most people think of forgiveness as an event, but it is more a process to which we commit. I believe it is a journey of the heart.

 Hurt, anger and unforgiveness are some of the most common issues we deal with as humans. Most of us seem to have someone whom we have not, or cannot, forgive. Sometimes they are workplace colleagues, neighbors, spouses or other family members. Sometimes the issues are trivial but persistent, sometimes they are serious and occasional, but all seem to cause us an obstacle to freedom to live our lives to the fullest.

 I invite you to start a journey of forgiveness for yourself. We will first explore the dynamics of hurt and anger and how easily we get there. Then we will move through the dynamics of unforgiveness and why we choose it. Finally, we will learn simple steps to take in order to practice forgiveness each day and set ourselves free.


Session One

Session Two

Session Three

Session Four

Session Five

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