Rekindle Your Spirit
Retreat 2023
In his book “Together”, Vivek H. Murthy, M.D explains the greatest health risk for US citizens today is “loneliness.” While the book goes into great detail about the data supporting the connection between these diseases, it really focuses on the call to action to address loneliness. The feeling of loneliness is an alert system of the human body in much the same way that hunger and thirst are alert systems. When we feel hunger or thirst, we reach out and eat or drink something. If we feel lonely, we need to connect with someone.
We know this to be very true with our experience during the COVID pandemic days. We need to connect with friends and family to feel fully alive and fully human. We realize we are better together in community. At St. Simon, we can do this - we can gather together, celebrate the Eucharist together, sing together, serve together and pray together - it feels more real and energizing in person to do this in community TOGETHER!
Session One
Session Two
Session Three
Session Four