Humble and Faith-Filled - June 30, 2024

What does it mean then for us to be faith-filled? And what does it mean for us to be humble as disciples? The lesson of the woman with the hemorrhages gives us is to reach out and touch his garments, if I could just reach out and touch God. Our constant sort of mode is to always be looking to touch God in our lives. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Please feel free to share with others.

Jesus, Our Chief Meteorologist - June 23,2024

There is something consoling about knowing when the storms will come and go. It does not take away from the fact that storms are there and they are coming and the damage that they are going to do, But it does sort of help to get ready for it. That is kind of the way it works. I find it very helpful, very consoling. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Please feel free to share with others.

Little Things - June 16, 2024

It is true that the little things are what matter in our own lives as well. It is the little things we will become known for. The little things that we do or say that matter the most. That is what Christ is saying in today's gospel with this parable of the kingdom of God. A mustard seed is the smallest of seeds, but yet when it grows, it becomes the largest of plants. (Read More…)

Here is my homily from the Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Please feel free to share with others.

Happy Father's Day to all fathers or father figures out there.

The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive - June 9, 2024

Today, I do not want to focus on the fall of humanity. I want to focus on the rise of humanity that will return to being fully human, fully alive, by seeing with new eyes, by hearing with new ears, by tasting and touching and smelling with new vitality so that we want to drink in the whole world and give glory to God. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Please feel free to share with others.

Open Hands, Open Heart - June 2, 2024

Henry Nouwen, the great theologian and Catholic priest wrote in a book called Open Hands, Open Heart, “Most Catholics, when we come to church on Sunday, in fact, do not have open hands or an open heart. When we come, our hands and our hearts are full of many other things, and they are not open.” He challenged us in a very strong way. He said, “many of us have fists clenched tight, full with many things that keep us from in fact receiving the Lord in fullness.” (Read more…)

Here is my homily from The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Please feel free to share with others.

Look At Me. Listen To Me - May 26, 2024

A lot of ink has been spilled over the mystery of the Holy Trinity for the past many years. Indeed, actually sadly, even more blood has been spilled over it. Even now, the East and the West Church are still split over a single word called the Filioque. This means that the spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. The gospel today brings us back to the core of the Trinity and t is more about mission than mystery. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity Sunday. Please feel free to share with others.

Mission Not Absence - May 12, 2024

The message is God loves us. The good news is that God loves you completely. The bad news, he loves everyone else completely too. But it is not really bad news. Of course, it is good news all around. The challenge then is, where we are called to be the church in the world where we are called to share this love where we are called to witness this love in the world, where are we called to do it to every corner of the earth. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from Ascension Sunday. Please feel free to share with others.

This Sunday was also Mother's Day. I wish a Happy Day filled with many blessings to all those mothers and mother figures in our lives!

Love One Another - May 5, 2024

God loves us not for what we have or what we do, what we own or what we look like. God loves us for who we are. We know that intellectually, I guess we know that, but we need reminders of it. And in this world, there is so much coming at us that we need reminders often for that purpose. Sometimes there are things in our life that will illustrate the love that God has for us, that breaks it open for us. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. This was First Communion Sunday, so the first part of the Homily was interactive with the children . Please feel free to share with others.

Moutain Behind the Flowers - April 28, 2024

“I looked out upon my window and I saw the leaves and the flowers falling from my beautiful tree outside my window. And I lamented as I saw the barren branches appear, and I lamented the beautiful flowers and leaves I had. And then I noticed, as I looked through the tree with its barren branches, the stunning mountains behind the tree that I had not seen.” (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Please feel free to share with others.

Alleluia He is Risen !

Chickens or Eagles - April 21, 2024

Over the last few weeks, we have been reading from the Gospel of John and it hammers away at this metaphor of the Good Shepherd. And today’s version is a powerful one about how a good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. That is the image, a good shepherd. But I sometimes wonder if we really internalize that message? Do we really understand what he is trying to say? (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Please feel free to share with others.

Alleluia He is Risen !

Tell And Live Our Story - April 14, 2024

Our faith is all about God as love and how we are called to be love to one another. And we are called to bring that story alive. We gather every Sunday to tell this story but sometimes I fear that we do not really believe the story, I am not sure we are convinced about the story we tell. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Third Sunday of Easter. Please feel free to share with others.

Alleluia He is Risen !

Wounded Healers - April 7, 2024

We often name the gospel from this Sunday as “Doubting Thomas." One of the things that has always struck me about this particular gospel passage is that Jesus has now risen from the dead, glorious victory over death and he has wounds. Why does he have wounds? Is this what it will be like when we all are raised? We will have all our wounds or broken legs, and our bad hips. We will all have the same old things we had when we were living. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Second Sunday of Easter . Please feel free to share with others.

Alleluia He is Risen !

Resurrection is For Real - March 31, 2024

Our role is to witness to love in the world so that others will come to know and experience the joy of eternal life. In the gospel t we get a hint of what the disciples found it hard to do it. Jesus says, “Go to Galilee.” Galilee was not just a physical location, it was much more. It was where they first met Jesus, where they first fell in love with Jesus. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from Easter Sunday. Please feel free to share with others.

I hope you had a blessed Easter - Alleluia He is Risen !