Beyond the Cross - March 29, 2024

We look upon Jesus on the cross and we take all our suffering wherever we have been, whether we have witnessed it, whether we are currently in the middle of it or when we are indifferent to it. We talk to Christ and accept his invitation of the cross to move beyond the cross. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from Good Friday. Please feel free to share with others.

Wired to Imitate - March 28, 2024

When we witness something that is powerful, we tend to want to immediately mirror it. Our brains wire immediately to repeat it. If we witness a young person helping an elderly person we will typically say, “Wow, that is really wonderful. ” Our brain is now rewiring to repeat something like that for ourselves within the next twenty four hours. We will attempt to mirror that because we witnessed it. Now, it also happens with bad things. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from Holy Thursday. Please feel free to share with others.

Feeding the Good Wolf - March 24, 2024

We tend to think there are good people in the world and there are bad people in the world. Of course, we are part of good people, right? I mean, we do not ever consider ourselves bad, so we are the good ones. And they, whoever they are, are the bad ones. The challenge with that is that it is simply not reality as much as we want to believe it. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from Palm Sunday. Please feel free to share with others. Wishing you a reflective and prayerful Holy Week.

Surrendering to the Pain - March 17, 2024

There is something inside of us that we have to let go for something new to grow within us. We have to surrender to it for new growth to happen. In fact, we believe in it so much that we have a whole season dedicated called Lent. We must die to so much of ourselves and let something new grow, but it is cooperation with the grace of God that we can move forward. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Fifth Sunday of Lent. Please feel free to share with others. I hope you had a great St. Patrick's day!

Be In Right Relationship with God - March 10, 2024

Every action needs to ooze and come forward from that very sight that we want peace. Because peace is the loving relationship and right relationship with God. Because we know that is so hard to do, we come to receive the peace here with the body and blood of Christ. We come here to receive what we promise to become out in the world. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the FourthSunday of Lent. Please feel free to share with others.

Sabbath as a Day of Rest is Good For Our Soul - March 3, 2024

Sabbath became a way to understand and treasure people's time and leisure. It enhanced the people's relationship with God   while intensifying their shared identity.  Keeping the Sabbath holy was another way that  Israel better appreciated the sacredness surrounding them  and highlighted places and practices  that sharpened their awareness of the presence of God  and indeed the meaning of their life. (Read More...)

Believing and Seeing With the Eyes of the Heart - February 25, 2024

Sometimes we underestimate the power of the faith of the disciples as they go up the mountain with Jesus because they already believed in Jesus. They did not go up the mountain to see and believe. It was the other way around. They already believed. They went up the mountain believing in Jesus. And when they saw, they were confirmed in their faith. (Read more…)

Here is my homily from the Second Sunday of Lent. Please feel free to share with others.

Testing What We Already Know - February 18, 2024

What is the purpose of a test to evaluate your ability? A teacher gives you a test to validate that you already know something. It is not to teach you something. A test only evaluates or confirms what you already know. Jesus was driven into the desert by the Spirit to be tested, to confirm what he already knew. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the First Sunday of Lent. Please feel free to share with others.

Three Lights to Come Back Home - February 14, 2024

Lent is the time for us to turn back and to come home and follow the way back to the Lord. How are we going to find our way? Every year the church gives us three bright lights to take us home. The first light is prayer. The second one is fasting. And the third one is almsgiving. They may not seem obvious as lights, but once we start to understand what they are, they are bright lights that show us the way home. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for Ash Wednesday. Please feel free to share with others.

Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart - February 11, 2024

We need to see, again, with eyes of faith and to act on what we see, which requires some discipline; that is what the root word of discipleship is. What does that discipline look like for us? For Lent, we do it for 40 days. And we talk about extra prayer, we talk about fasting, and we talk about alms giving. That all integrates into the same thing, which is a metanoia, a conversion of our heart towards Christ to see, with eyes of faith, to see ourselves as wounded people who need forgiveness, who need healing. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time and the Sunday before Lent. Please feel free to share with others.

Empathy and Mirror Neurons - February 4, 2024

Contagious! Contagious! Good behavior is actually neurologically contagious in our brains! This is very good news!  We need more of this and we need to be around more of this for it to stick. That is why community is so important because when we witness morally good behavior, we tend to want more of it and replicate more of it. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time. This was the Kickoff for the Annual Diocesan Appeal and I have included the kickoff presentation in this homily.

Lamplighters Leaving a Legacy of Love - January 28, 2024

We are called to be men and women of love, of gentleness, of kindness, of forgiveness, of healing, of truth and beauty. It requires of us to light a lamp of goodness, of love in people's lives. May we seek to be lamplighters that leave a legacy and a trail of love behind us for all to see. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Please feel free to share with others.

Be A Follower Not Just A Fan of Jesus - January 21, 2024

What makes a Catholic parish and a Catholic school is the involvement of the parents and the community. That is what binds us together. It is a testimony not just of our faith, but it is who we believe in. We believe and follow Jesus. We are not just fans but we follow him. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. Please feel free to share with others.

Who Are The Influencers - January 14, 2024

We need to do some work learning to steady and slow our soul down. To just be with the Lord and to learn to listen for his voice. To be able to say what Samuel says, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” We have got some work to do, my friends, because the busyness of our lives with the number of inputs that we are getting, it is hard to sort it all out. (Read more…)

Follow the Model of the Magi; Follow the Star to Jesus - January 7, 2024

We can learn a lot from the Magi, and we can learn a lot from this particular passage from Matthew's gospel. It is very rich with meaning and symbols. Let us listen to this challenge that we are called to follow the light that brings us to Christ. We are called to offer our gifts to Christ and the world in service to his kingdom. And we are called to allow ourselves to be converted, and then we are called to welcome others to the table. (Read more…)

Mattering: We Need Our Children to Love Others - December 31, 2023

Your love matters in this world, and we want it not just for our nuclear family, but for the whole human family. It is important that we love one another because love matters to our last day, to our last breath from child to parent, from parent to child. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Feast of the Holy Family. Please feel free to share with others.

Happy New Year to all!

Pitched His Tent Among Us - December 25, 2023

The Jewish people were in the desert for 40 years. So they lived in tents. Pitching your tent was a common phrase and the idea that Jesus pitched his tent with us was the way that he became vulnerable alongside us as a human being. That he was all in, if you would, with humanity. And then the question we have is why is that so important? Why did God have to become one of us in Jesus Christ? (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Christmas Day. Please feel free to share with others. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Season with Family and Friends

Happy Christmas and God bless,

Let Our Light Shine - December 24, 2023 (Christmas Eve)

The first reading tonight was dramatic, deliberately dramatic to get our attention to ensure that we are called to be the light of Christ. The ultimate message of Christmas is that we will be judged, not on how well we have lived, but on how well we have loved. This Christmas, let us love well and let us let our light shine for all to see. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the Christmas Eve. Please feel free to share with others. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Season with Family and Friends

Happy Christmas and God bless.

Awe In God's presence - December 24, 2023

Awe is an under spoken response to life because we know that which is beautiful but it is often a projection of what we want, what we desire, what we like. But awe is something we do not expect. For example, when we even just think about the idea that no two snowflakes are the same, no two snowflakes are the same. Just even thinking about that is awe, because it is so mind blowing. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for the last Sunday of Advent. Please feel free to share with others.

Put On The Glasses Of Faith - December 17, 2023

The advent season is all about seeing with eyes of faith, to see deeper and to see and to recognize the Christ who is among us. The temptation is to allow our eyes of our faith to get dirty. They get dirty with busyness and tiredness and the hustle and the bustle of the season. It is very easy just to get carried away with it all and lose the reason for the season. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.

Finally, I encourage you to attend Mass in person for Christmas at all possible. But if for some reason you cannot join us in person, please join us online at either the 9am on Christmas Day or 3pm on Christmas Eve.  

Radical Active Waiting - December 3, 2023

So what are we waiting for? In our rich theology, there are three comings of Christ. The first one is that Christ came once in history as a baby born in time in the year. Then we look forward to Christ's second coming in glory. But then there is this, what theologically we say, the in-between times where we come to recognize the Christ who is already among us, within you and I. This is where our focus is, as we straddle these two. (Read more…)

Here is my homily for last weekend. Please feel free to share with others.